LED professional Symposium +Expo 2013 (LpS 2013)

The Hub for Innovation and Developments in LED & OLED Lighting Technologies

Luger Research e.U. would like to invite anyone interested in LED and OLED lighting to the third LpS, Europe’s foremost LED & OLED lighting technology event, on September 24th – 26th in Bregenz, Austria!

Industry and scientific experts will discuss their newest insights and future trends in the areas of general, architectural and industrial lighting. The markedly extended program and exhibition will offer an even deeper and broader spectrum of information this year which will include:

3 Keynotes
46 Lectures
6 Workshops
2 Tech Panels
2000 m2 of exhibition space
1 Light Art Project and
1 Get Together Event.

More than 1,000 visitors are expected at the LpS 2013. The new CEO of Zumtobel, Mr. Ulrich Schumacher, will be among the many professionals you will meet there.

Quick Links:

Event Website

Event Program

Exhibitor List





Luger Research e.U.

Institute for Innovation & Technology

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„Challenges and Opportunities of the European Lighting Industry“
Dietmar Zembrot – President of LightingEurope and CEO of TRILUX, Germany

 „Zhaga – Lowering the Risk and Cost of Getting LED Technology Innovation to Market“
General Secretary of the Zhaga Consortium, The Netherlands

„Lighting Module and Component Industry – Market and Technology Opportunity“ CEO of Tridonic – Zumtobel Group, Austria

LED Future
„Technology Push, Market Pull, Keeping a Sense of Proportion“ 

Annetta Kelso, Philips Lighting, The Netherlands

„Migrating from Pre- to Post-Industrial Lighting Systems“
Sajol Ghoshal, ams, USA
„Supply/Demand Model to Predict Capacity for Lighting“
Jamie Fox, IMS Research, UK

Light Sources I

„OLED for Lighting – Current Status and Outlook“
Pars Mukish, Yole Développement, France
„Technology for the Next Generation of Flexible OLEDs for Lighting“
Dr. Christian May, Fraunhofer COMEDD, Germany
„OLED Module Technologies for Professional Lighting Applications“
Joerg Amelung, Tridonic – Zumtobel Group, Austria

Light Sources II

„North American Safety Standards for OLED Panels“
Michael Shulman, UL LLC, USA
„New Developments in Quantum Dots“
Johannes Edlinger, University of Applied Science Vorarlberg, Austria
„Advancing Remote Phosphor Technology“
David Nauth, Intematix, UK

Light Sources III

„Effect of Light Emission Patterns on External Efficiency of White Phosphors-Packed LEDs“
Syu Fong-Li, National Central University, Taiwan
„Trends of Chip-on-Board Technologies“
Sigmund Kobilke, Excelitas Technologies ELCOS GmbH, Germany
„LED Light Sheet Technology as an OLED Alternative“

Uwe Hock, Cooledge Lighting Inc., Canada

Light Sources IV

„The Design of LED Luminaires with their Limitations in Technology“
Shawn Keeney, Cree, USA
„Failure Mechanisms and Risks on LEDs and LED Systems“
Uwe Thiemann, RoodMicrotec, Germany
„Degradation Mechanisms and Methods for Lifetime Extrapolation of LEDs“ 
Matteo Meneghini, University of Padova, Italy

LED Systems I

„Optimized Devices for Lighting Applications“
Uwe Slabke, LED Institut, Germany
„Interchangeable, Interoperable, and Serviceable LED Modules“
Thor Scordelis, Xicato, USA

„Benchmark Testing Results of China’s CLEAR Program“

Paul Nie,  LTL (Leading Testing Laboratories), China

LED Systems II
„Designing with Tertiary Optics“
Suleyman Turgut, Luminit, USA
„Long-Term Electrical, Optical and Thermal Behavior of LED Light Bulbs“
Laurent Massol, LED Engineering Development, France

Optics I
„Luminance & LED Spot Applications“
Charles Schrama, Philips Lumileds, USA
„Dimensions of Light Quality in LED Spot Lights“
Ralph Bertram, OSRAM Opto Semiconductors, Germany
„Optimized High Power Linear and Area Lighting Stated on Behalf of Practical Prototypes“
Hans Hoschopf, Tridonic Jennersdorf, Austria

Optics II
„LED Tunnel Road Lighting Developments“
Jussi Laakkio, LEDiL, Finland
„Spectral Raydata for Simulation of Color Rendering Indices“
Dirk Hansen, opsira, Germany
„Tailored Freeform Optics for LED Street Lighting“
Angelika Hofmann, OEC, Germany

Driver & Controls I
„Energy Saving Opportunities from LED Lighting Control Solutions“
John McDonnell, Harvard Engineering, UK
„The EnLight Project – Example of a Digital LED Lighting System“
Thomas Noll, OSRAM, Germany
„Ledotron – Digital Standard for the Control of LED Retrofit Lamps“
Bernd Siebel, Insta Elektro, Germany

Driver & Controls II
„Digital Signal Processing Techniques in Retrofit Lamp Driver ICs“
Stefan Zudrell-Koch, Dialog Semiconductor, Germany
„Fundamental Principles of Digital LED Lighting Control“
Paul Grogan, Ikon Semiconductor, Ireland
„Performance/Cost Optimization of Offline LED Driver Topologies“
Bernie Weir, ON Semiconductor, USA

Driver & Controls III
„Power Supply Topologies for Optimizing Efficiency, EMC and Time to Market“
Tobias Hofer, Negal, Switzerland
„LED Lamp as Ambient Light and Personal Presence Sensor“
Hans W. Diesing, Diesing, Germany
„Smart Lighting using Powerline Technology“
Uwe Hering, Arivus, Germany

Driver & Controls IV
„Wireless vs. Wired and Proprietary vs. Standard Control of LED Luminaries“
Marius Gafen, Virtual Extension, Israel
„Standards for Protective Electronic Circuits in Luminaires“
Anton Rothuis, DEKRA, The Netherlands

Thermal Management I
„Methods for Obtaining the Junction Temperature of LEDs“
Reinhold Hetzel, Graz University of Technology, Austria
„Threats to LED Lifetime Performance and Proven Techniques to Secure Reliability“
Gerrit-Willem Prins, LED Engin, The Netherlands
„Latest Developments in LED Packaging Thermal Characterization“
Benoit Osswald, Mentor Graphics, France

Thermal Management II
„Chip-on-Heat Sink Design for LED Light Engines“
Pavel Shashkov, Cambridge Nanotherm, UK
„Heat Sink Technologies for Passive and Active Thermal Management“
Juergen Harpain, Fischer Elektronik, Germany
„Standard Printed Circuit Boards in High Performance LED Applications“
Hoerth Stefan, Haeusermann, Austria

„Photobiologically Friendly Outdoor Lighting“
Pranciskus Vitta, Vilnius University, Lithuania
„Optimized Urban Lighting Concept using LEDs“
Fred Bass, Neonlite – Megaman, UK
„Technical Assessment of LED Street Lights for Power Utility in Malaysia“
Nor Diana Ruszaini Mohd Zin, TNB Research, Malaysia

Reliability and Thermal Testing Workshop
„Reliability vs. Temperature“
„Parameters influencing the junction temperature“
„Live measuring of junction temperature of an LED“
„Interpretation of measurement results“

Benoit Osswald and Andreas Simon-Kajda, both Mentor Graphics

UL Workshop
„UL Lighting Market Strategy & Update“
Roberto Inclinati
„UL Standards Development Update UL8750-52-53-54“
Michael Shulman
„IEC Updates“
Walter Parmiani
„Energy Efficiency Programs (ES, LF, DLC, ErP)“
Gareth Jones
„Zhaga Updates“
Walter Parmiani
„Lighting Controls: DALI to DMX“
Fausto Pozzi
„RoHS Updates“
Silvia Lai

3D Workshop
„LED layouts on three-dimensional parts utilizing LDS (Laser Direct Structuring) technology“
Stephan Krause, LPKF
„Thermally conductive materials for LED projects“
Andy Verheijden, Sabic
„Three-dimensional dispensing and placing of LED components“
Florian Schildein, Essemtec
„Application report – customer experience“
Karl Goermiller, MID-Tronic
„Development and production of innovative LED-systems based on thermal conductive polymers using assembly molding“
by Dr.-Ing. Christoph Heinle, RF Plast GmbH

Optics Workshop
„Introduction into Printed LED Optics Solutions“
LUXeXceL Group

Design Workshop
„Overview of LED lighting configuration tools and presentation of the development roadmap for next years“
„Designing LED Drivers with modern simulation tools“
„Designing new LED lighting systems with the Lighting Designer“

Testing Workshop
„Quality Metrics for Solid-State Lighting, TEMPO Process“
Mitch Sayers and Shawn Keeney, CREE
„Test and Measurement of LED Lamps and Luminaires“
Mitch Sayers and Shawn Keeney, CREE

Tech-Panel 1
„LED & OLED Lighting Innovations – How to Break Through“
Dietmar Zembrot, Lighting Europe
Klaus Vamberszky, Zumtobel
Dr. Christian May, Fraunhofer
Ph.D. Matteo Meneghini, University of Padua
Henk Veldhuis, The Connected Lighing Alliance

Tech-Panel 2
„LED professional Symposium +Expo 2013 – Lessons Learned“
Experts from the International Press

Light-Art Project
ZUMTOBEL will present a modern lighting installation in the newly opened vorarlberg museum in Bregenz

Get-Together Event
Networking opportunities and live entertainment on Lake Constance


All visitors to LpS 2013 will receive a 30 % discount on the Memoori Report – LED Lighting in Buildings 2013 to 2017

Quelle: Marketing & Sales, Luger Research e.U.

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